Clark County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ Wine cellar business.
"Wine cellar business" means a business that sells glasses of fine wine at retail for on-premises consumption only, and sells packaged bottles of the same fine wines for off-premises consumption only. Fine wines, both retail by the glass and packaged bottles, cannot be given away, comped, or otherwise provided free of charge.
A wine cellar business must also satisfy all of the following requirements:
Have at least two thousand square feet of floor space for the display of fine wines, including coolers, but exclusive of office space, storage space, and restrooms;
Maintain an inventory of fine wines of at least one-hundred and twenty thousand dollars;
Provide seating for at least twenty-five patrons;
Make all products of the wine cellar business available for sale to the general public during all hours the premises is open for business;
Maintain at least one restroom on its premises that is available for public use during all business hours;
Prohibit anyone under the age of twenty-one from entry into a wine cellar business;
Comply with Clark County Code Sections 8.20.450 and 8.20.310 for all off-premises package sales of fine wine by the bottle;
Refrain from charging any form of admission fees for entry to the licensed premises;
Prohibit any form of gaming in a wine cellar business; and
A wine cellar business cannot be operated in conjunction with any other type of liquor license or business, except a retail beer and wine liquor license or a full bar liquor license.
For the purposes of this section only, "fine wine" means any alcoholic liquor obtained by the fermentation of grape juice, or whose fermentation has been stopped by fortification, containing less than twenty-two percent alcohol by content, which is packaged in a glass bottle, and on which the vintage is displayed on either the front or back label.
(Ord. L-243-08 § 1, 2008: Ord. L-232-05 § 88, 2005)
(Ord. No. L-251-11, § 2, 2-15-2011)