§ 10.32.020. Taking possession of animal being treated cruelly.  

Latest version.
  • (A) The animal control officer or any police officer in the county while on duty shall, upon discovering any animal which is being treated cruelly, take possession of and impound it.


    If the owner of an animal impounded under this section attempts to claim the animal within the time prescribed by Section 10.24.010 or 10.24.020, before releasing the animal to the owner, the contracted animal shelter shall immediately consult the animal control officer for the purpose of compliance with Section 10.24.080(c). If the owner elects to claim the animal and animal control elects to prosecute for animal cruelty, compliance with the following conditions is required:


    The owner shall have an additional seventy-two hours before the animal becomes the property of the animal shelter to file a petition with a court of competent jurisdiction for release of the animal subject to such conditions the court deems prudent, or for the owner to post a bond or security with animal control or the animal shelter in an amount sufficient to provide for the animal's care for a minimum of thirty days from the seizure date for continued impound at the animal shelter.


    If the animal shelter still has custody of the animal when the bond or security expires, the animal shall become the animal shelter's property unless a court of competent jurisdiction orders an alternative disposition. If a court order prevents the animal shelter from assuming ownership and the animal shelter, or its agent, continues to care for the animal, the court shall order the owner to renew a bond or security for the continuing costs for the animal's care.

    (Ord. 1107 § 29, 1988: Ord. 1023 § 9 (part), 1987)

(Ord. No. 3877, § 10, 6-15-2010; Ord. No. 4355, § 11, 11-18-2015)